Monday, August 07, 2006

Anger and a Woman who thinks she is Marilyn Monroe reborn

Well let’s start with the ANGER, im pissed of that my constant asking the refree about fouls is going to cost me and my team as im suspended for the next game. Incompetent refs should be shot, ok mayb not shot but dam there should b somthing done about it. I mean really done about it, not oh we will look at it in a week I think if the ref believes he is wrong then he should be able to go back on his word if he sees it fit. I would hate our team lost because of a mistake on my part especially since I am captian of the team.

Marilyn Monroe reincarnated? This woman believes she is. A Canadian singer? I just think she is trying to get more publicity so maybe if she is lucky she can pull a William Hung.
Btw this video only works on Internet Explorer (dam Microsoft).


Bhavesh said...

Woah woah you're suspended? Dude that leaves just 7 players for the next match.

Bhavesh said...
