Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Hedgehogs force a rethink

McDonald's have narrowed the openings of their McFlurry containers, after it was found that hedgehogs were getting trapped while on the lookout for a tasty morsel. Of course, this just would not do - McDonald's isn't here to kill tiny insectivores (and let's face it, if McDonald's kills hedgehogs, who do drivers kill?), it's here to drive an entire population of people towards a slow, painful obesity-related death! The news was greeted with a positive response from the chief executive of the British Hedgehog Preservation Society, Fay Vass.
"This is excellent, it is long overdue news," said Fay Vass, chief executive of the British Hedgehog Preservation Society. "We have been in touch with McDonald's about this problem for over five years and are delighted that they have at last solved the problem."
Wait, there's a hedgehog preservation society? Tigers, elephants, lions, pandas, chimps - all nearly extinct, yet these guys are more concerned with roadkill. Screw it, I want in. I've always wanted to protest on behalf of a hedgehog. Next on the agenda - lowering the speed limit so as to give our little fellas a fighting chance. Failing that, I'll lobby for research into genetically-modified spines, because we all know mutant hedgehogs with adamantium spines would be soooooo badass.


Anonymous said...

hedgehog preservation??
people really have too much spare time sometimes

Anonymous said...

Well...I don't buy Yoplait yogurt anymore because their yogurt containers cause a similar problem for local beasties, including skunks.

Someone's got to look out for the little furry creatures, right?


Bhavesh said...

I'm starting the Labrador Preservation Society. Are you guys with me? :-D