Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Woohoo! Mainstream!

As a firm believer in the tenets of the great poet Homer (Simpson), I tried my hardest to follow his every teaching to the letter, like any good religious pawn would, but somehow failed. I quote the Great One himself:
Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try
Wise words indeed, but I failed you, Your Awesomeness. I didn't even try to maintain a functional blog - instead, I concocted a lethal mix of lazy writing and chronic lack of talent, and somehow still got published at a major online magazine! Show me the path once more, My Lord, and I shall repent for what I have done to thee (translation in Homerian - "D'oh!").

Seriously, though (this is when the rest of you go "that was a joke?") it's a huge honour to have one's random, tangential ramblings published in a mainstream magazine. I hope I do justice to the folks at MediaBlvd and meet the standards of the rest of their writing crew. Do check out the website - it's a fantastic read (heh, plugs don't get more shameless than this).

Once again, thanks to Ekta and Ami for the huge ego boost they've given me, and I hope I don't screw this up.


Anonymous said...

*lol* Yep, we love your work!

In the immortal words of Oliver Twist, "Please, sir - can I have some more?"

*g* ...And in another shameless plug for the magazine, did you notice we got an exclusive interview with Samuel L. Jackson that included his explanation of the net buzz about Snakes on a Plane? So.cool.

As a result, I had to grab your blurb and put it in a fluff piece because it was fabulous, funny, and just what we were looking for.

More of your pieces will be in the next update, so keep an eye out. We're also still interested in the bombing piece as I think it socially relevant and important to tell.

Now, don't let me distract you from writing! ;)


Anonymous said...

as you say, Cheers! :)


Anonymous said...


Love your writing :-)

Anonymous said...

ooooo well done!!
its good writing otherwise why do you think i bother readig in the middle of my exams