Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Thar be debauchery afoot

September 19 is here, and it's International Talk Like a Pirate Day, or should I say "Avast, me hearties! 'Tis the day dem land lubbers snarl and gnarl and get debaucherous with the best of ye. But only fer one day, and nary a second more, because then it just gets really really annoying".

Considering the content of my last post, a pirate's life might be a good option. Of course, Indians aren't pirates in the traditional sense ("why do you want to swing like a monkey from a mast when you can sit at a desk and count other people's money?"), but if you ever need a cheap copy of the latest film or video game, I know just the place - that's piracy working for you.

Sigh. 'Tis late. I'm off to 'ave me rum and sing about fifteen men, the likes of whom I ne'er seen before narr since. Garr.

Ekta at TrueBluePrint has much, much more. Check it out. It's an excellent blog and that girl needs to write more.

P.S. To my good friends at the RIAA: I have never bought or sold pirated goods, nor will I ever consider it. I understand Chamillionaire (don't be fooled by the name) needs my money to pay for a brand new set of gold-plated grillz and a multi-million dollar music video. Far be it from me to deny a brother his expensive tastes for the sake of two lousy meals. That would just be selfish.

Update: I was wrong - the West coast of India was inhabited by pirates in the 18th century (thanks Ekta).


Anonymous said...

hahhaha Thanks, bachchu :) Thar be piracy in our blood (http://www.sepiamutiny.com/sepia/archives/003797.html).

Anonymous said...

Oh no it seems my memory has failed me again!! Forgetting birthdays is understandable, but International talk like a pirate day!...there is no penance... Had such a great time on this day in 7th form..complete with eye patches. Can i tell a joke? I gotta tell a joke. Im gonna tell a joke.
How much does it cost a pirate to get his ears pierced??
-A Buccaneer

Bhavesh said...

Ladies and gentlemen, stay tuned for more comic stylings from the one and only Little Ali :-P

Anonymous said...

Im gonna take that as an invitation

Bhavesh said...

I've created a monster :-(
